S&P Presents at Conferences
April 10, 2017
The S&P Faculty and students have been presenting their research and knowledge at multiple conferences this spring semester.
Céfiro Conference
Professor and Department Chair, Anthony Cárdenas, joined seven S&P graduate students to the annual Céfiro Conference held at Texas Tech University from March 30-31, 2017. The Conference’s focus this year was Discursive Landscapes: Connecting Geographies, Cultures and Contexts. Graduate students as well as Professor Cárdenas presented at the conference. Below are the titled presentations that were presented by the S&P Department at UNM.
- "El placer del ‘otro mundo’ en el Libro del caballero Zifar", Anthony J. Cárdenas-Rotunno
- "La creación de un personaje imaginario", Ana Patricia Patraca Rosas
- "Conexión y enlace entre el mundo real y simbólico: imagen de la anciana en Bless me, Última, La Celestina y El coloquio de los perros", Juan M. Ramírez
- "Paletitas de guayaba. Una obra del (desamor epistolar)", Monica Mancillas
- "El mito de la mujer sumisa en la literatura chicana: Buscando nuevos caminos", Marco A. Torres
- "Perception of Taboo Language Use", Caitlin Hein and Dominique Rodríguez
- "Entre pochos y chilangos: La reinterpretación de la mexicanidad en torno a la identidad chicana en Paletitas de Guayaba de Erlinda Gonzalez-Berry", John Guzmán Aguilar
Guilty Pleasures and Confessional Spaces: Storytelling and Digital Dionysus Conference
Four Graduate students from the S&P Department presented at the 9th Annual Cultural Studies Graduate Student Conference at UNM on March 31, 2017. André Nascimento, Kelly Cardoso, Karen de Melo, and Diego Bustos represented the Spanish and Portuguese Department at the Guilty Pleasures and Confessional Spaces: Storytelling and Digital Dionysus Conference where a variety of departments participated. Below are the titled presentations that were presented by our very own Portuguese & Spanish graduate students.
- Karen de Melo - “Re-inking the nation: race in Brazilian comics and graphic novels.”
- Andre Nascimento - “Spousal violence and peripheral literature - a dialogue with masculinity.”
- Kelly Cardoso - “Resistance and Black Feminine Identity Construction: A Matter of Human Rights and Social Justice.”
- Diego Bustos - “The shameless memory of the wannabe in Guia afetivo da periferia by Marcus Vinícius Faustini.”