Cruzada de los libros perdidos
September 29, 2017
La cruzada de los libros perdidos / The Crusade of Lost Books is a worldwide initiative to promote reading. The event occurs on a specific date, distributing books around a given city inviting people to take a book, read it and then pass it on.
In 2014, Professor Virginia Aceves from Technológico de Monterrey started this event in the city of Chihuahua, México. In September 21-23, 2017, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the UNM joined this amazing initiative. Dr. Carmen Julia Holguín Chaparro’s 307 Fall Spanish courses participated in the first crusade distributing fifty books around UNM’s campus and communities in Albuquerque.
Each distributed book was inscribed with: Take it, Read it, Pass it / Llévatelo, léelo y libéralo de Nuevo, to motivate students and the general public to read more. Dr. Holguín will be continuing this movement in the 2018 Spring semester to encourage reading in our communities.