Professor File-Muriel Receives LAII Study Abroad Program Award
October 27, 2017
Professor Richard File-Muriel has received the Faculty-Led Study Abroad Scholarship from LAII, for his Spring/Summer 2018 program “Culturas indigenas en Colombia.” The grant provides funding for Faculty that will lead study abroad programs addressing cultural issues and environmental sustainability in regions with significant indigenous populations in Latin America.
The study abroad program “Culturas indígenas en Colombia” is open to both graduate and undergraduate students. The program officially begins at UNM during the Spring semester and includes a three-week study abroad component in Popayán (May 14-June 2, 2018). Study abroad classes will be held at the Universidad del Cauca. The broad theme of this program is “Culturas indígenas en Colombia.” This year, we will learn from the Nasa people, who live primarily in El Cauca, Huila and Tolima departments of Colombia. In addition to living in Popayán, students will visit the following destinations: 1) the Universidad Autónoma Indígena e Intercultural (UAIIN), where we learn about the institution's initiatives, mission, vision, and history, 2) Tierradentro, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is described as the heart of the Nasa nation, and 3) the Nasa Resguardo Pioyá, where we learn about the community’s projects, initiatives, struggles, education, and world views. Students who participate in this program may enroll in several classes and earn up to 12 hours of university credit. The primary language of instruction is Spanish.
If you would like more information and/or would like to attend the study abroad program contact Professor File-Muriel at
Picutred: Professor File-Muriel visiting the school farm at the Nasa Resguardo Pioyá, Cauca, August, 2017. (Picture courtesy of Dr. File-Muriel)