Prof. File-Muriel’s study abroad program has been awarded 11k
November 15, 2017
Professor Richard File-Muriel’s faculty-led study abroad program, “Culturas indígenas en Colombia,” has been awarded an additional 11k from the Office of Academic Affairs! The purpose of this funding is to make the program more affordable for students. Students who participate in the program may enroll in several classes during the Spring semester and earn up to 12 hours of university credit after completing the program. Study abroad classes will be held at the Universidad del Cauca. In addition to living in Popayán, students visit the following destinations: 1) the Universidad Autónoma Indígena e Intercultural (UAIIN), where we learn about the institution's initiatives, mission, vision, and history, 2) Tierradentro, which is the heartland of the Nasa nation and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and 3) the Nasa Resguardo Pioyá, where we learn about the community’s projects, initiatives, struggles, education, and world views. The primary language of instruction is Spanish. For more information, please visit the program website at Culturas indígenas en Colombia.
For more details, check out the program’s flyer and brochure.
Pictured: Professor File-Muriel with school students during an impromptu nasa yuwe class during his visit to the resguardo Pioyá, Cauca, March 2017. (Picture courtesy of Dr. File-Muriel)