Alumni Spotlight
December 1, 2017
The Alumni we would like to illuminate this week is Sutter Sugar. Mr. Sugar was co-President of SPGSA and is currently a sucessful realtor, and a volunteer at Manzano High School.
*What are you doing now/where are you
“Presently, I am a Realtor, partnering up with my mother Linda Sugar, forming The Sugar Team (using our last name, get it?). We work at the brokerage Q Realty. Personally, I have happily been working in real estate for about eleven years.”
*Professional highlights post-graduation
“Probably my latest professional highlight since graduating has been that my mother and I have been the Number 1 Team in Production for our Company in the entire state of New Mexico in 2014, 2015 and 2016.”
*Research Interests/are you using your Spanish/Port degree
“I find that I use my Master’s Degree in Spanish on a daily basis, but more indirectly. I have never been able to save a life by knowing how to dissect El Quijote, however I do work with clients on a regular basis that only speak Spanish. In addition, the analytical skills I learned in the Department transfer into easily being able to analyze Contracts. The presentation skills I gleaned have clearly helped me in sales and public speaking. Finally, I volunteer tutoring high school students every Wednesday after school at Manzano High School. UNM instilled in me the desire to continue to serve the community.”
*Memories with the Span/Port Department
“I fondly remember the camaraderie I developed with my fellow graduate students, whether it was preparing for the GRAN EXAM or lesson plans for teaching ser v. estar. And how could I forget the INSANITY of preparing for the yearly dance (a fundraiser event during the department’s annual conference) when I was co-President of SPGSA in ’99!”