2019 Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Fellowship Awardees
May 10, 2019
Spanish and Portuguese is grateful for all the wonderful individuals that make up who we are! This year, we are pleased to announce that 5 of our astonishing graduate students have been selected for multiple fellowships.
Desirée Ramirez-Urbaneja – Latin American and Iberian Institute PhD Fellowship. Desirée will be collecting data for her dissertation on language attitudes and language mixing in the Campo de Gibraltar, on the Iberian Peninsula, where Spanish and English have coexisted for over three centuries. Her research has the potential to inform language policy and community-based teaching strategies.
Marina Todeschini – Latin American and Iberian Institute PhD Fellowship
Marina will be completing her dissertation with the support of the LAII PhD Fellowship. She is studying how authors who write from the margins of society in Brazil, Mexico, and Haiti represent the geographic mobility of newcomers: lower social class subjects and immigrants. Their narratives promote an awareness of citizenship rights as marginalized writers introduce themselves into the center of their stories and of the metropolis.
Juan Esteban Barrera Ortega – Latin American and Iberian Institute Field Research Grant
Juan Esteban’s research project, “FonMed. Habla de Laboratorio,” in Medellin, Colombia, will be supported by the LAII grant and by the Facultad de Comunicaciones en la Universidad de Antioquia. His goal is to record the speech of Medellín residents, selecting for various social factors. He will elicit a range of speech registers from the participants in a sound-proof booth with high-quality recordings for phonetic analysis.
Carlos Enrique Ibarra - UNM’s Summer Institute Fellow for the Newberry Consortium for American Indian and Indigenous Studies (NCAIS)
Carlos Enrique is excited to have been selected as 2019 UNM’s Summer Institute Fellow for the Newberry Consortium for American Indian and Indigenous Studies (NCAIS). The Institute will enrich his research of intergenerational linguistic identity, attitudes, usage, and language preservation among bilingual and trilingual Mixtecos in Woodburn, Oregon.
Diego Bustos – Bilinski Foundation Fellowship
Diego Bustos has been awarded the prestigious Bilinski Fellows Program, which provides valuable financial support for top, meritorious doctoral students who are conducting research for, and or completing, their doctoral dissertations. As a Bilinski Fellow, PhD Candidate Diego Bustos will be finishing his dissertation on: "Imagining Development: Agonistic Aesthetics and Middle-Class Politics in Colombian, Brazilian and Mexican Literature."
Great job!!