Congratulations to our Faculty and Graduate Students for their representation at the 69th RMMLA Convention
October 8, 2015
The 69th Annual Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Conference took place in Santa Fe, New Mexico from October 8-10, 2015. Cheers go out to the following S&P Faculty members and Graduate Teaching Assistants who chaired and/or presented a paper at this important convention, representing UNM and the great talent that the Department has.
Participants and their presentations:
- Professor Anthony J. Cárdenas, University of New Mexico. "Astrology, Billets-doux, and Craving."
- Associate Professor Kimberle S. López, University of New Mexico. "Human Rights and Ethical Issues in Testimonials of Guatemalan Adoption."
- Associate Professor Miguel López-Lozano, University of New Mexico. "The Representation of Human Rights and Femicide in Recent Guatemalan Fiction."
- Associate Professor Kathryn Joh McKnight, University of New Mexico. "¡Ocupa Cartagena de Indias! Leyendo el espacio social y físico en el testimonio jurídico del siglo diecisiete."
- Associate Professor Susan D. Rivera, University of New Mexico. "Inmortalidad de la nada: la última poesía de Ángel González."
- Aaron Taylor, University of New Mexico. "A Case of Colophon Conflation in Juan de Flore’s Grisel y Mirabella."
- Linda Patricia Gonzalez, University of New Mexico. "More Than a Woman: A Defense of Women in the Spanish Querelle."
- Marina Todeschini, University of New Mexico. "Rolezinhos: Insurgency through Performative Arts in Brazil."
- Juliana Todescan, University of New Mexico. "Between Waste and Production Rests the Abject: The Lives of Garbage Collectors, Plumbers, and Butchers in Contemporary Brazil."
- Nathaniel Lukas Redekopp, University of New Mexico. "Female Masculinity in Theater: Staging the Negotiation of Cultural Memory."
- Ana Gabriela Hernandez-Gonzalez, University of New Mexico. "Memoria e identidad femenina en Yo la peor (2009) de Mónica Lavín."
- Samuel Johnson, University of New Mexico. "Urban Violence and the State of Exception: Mexico City."
- Andy L. Barrientos, University of New Mexico. "The Discourse of Dehumanization and its Relationship to Power in Diálogo da Conversão do Gentio."