News Archives
Fernando Melero Garcia's article gets published
Don Quixote IV Centennial Anniversary Celebration: A great success!
October 19, 2015
On Friday, October 16th, the Department of Spanish & Portuguese wrapped up seven days of consecutive chapter readings in English and Spanish of the world's greatest novel, El ingenioso hidalgo don Qui…
Congratulations to our Faculty and Graduate Students for their representation at the 69th RMMLA Convention
October 8, 2015
The 69th Annual Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Conference took place in Santa Fe, New Mexico from October 8-10, 2015. Cheers go out to the following S&P Faculty members and Graduate Teachi…
Presentacion del libro El que tenga oidos... de Carmen Julia Holguin Chaparro
October 7, 2015
Please join Dr. Carmen Julia Holguín Chaparro during the presentation and reading of her book El que tenga oídos...
Wednesday, October 7th, 2015
Ortega Hall 335
(Organizers: CJHCH, T…
Presentacion del libro Tres mujeres al borde de la escritura
November 17, 2015
To finalize an intensive and creative semester, there will be an exhibit of 10 students final projects in the Spanish 300 level courses.
Wednesday, November 17, 2015
Ortega Hall 335
Presentacion del libro Tres mujeres al borde de la escritura
November 4, 2015
Please join Dr. Carmen Julia Holguín Chaparro during the presentation and reading of the book Tres mujeres al borde de la escritura" by Kathleen Doherty, Julie Nickell & Diane Orchard, edited by …