Fredy Mendieta Rodriguez

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PhD Candidate in Hispanic Linguistics

Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Personal Website


Fredy holds a B. A. in Spanish and Foreign Languages at the National Pedagogical University in Colombia. In 2016, he earned his Master´s degree in Linguistics from the Instituto Caro y Cuervo in Bogotá, Colombia, with a thesis about the acoustic analysis of rhotic sounds in the spoken Spanish of Bogota. He worked as a Research Assistant in that same institution, and as an Instructor of Spanish and Communications from 2011 to 2019; in addition, he has taught courses on Hispanic linguistics in Colombia and USA. His dissertation focuses on the way how embodied phonological features interact as a tool used to increase directive force, although he’s been working on different projects related to linguistics. He has recently published the book “Lexicografía electrónica especializada: el caso del Diccionario Académico de Medicina (Diacme)” (2020) with some colleagues at the Instituto Caro y Cuervo and a chapter called “«Erre con erre, cigarro…»: consideraciones para el diseño de cuestionarios sociolingüísticos a propósito del estudio de las róticas en Bogotá” (2021) for the compilation “Estudiar las lenguas y el lenguaje. Trayectorias y retos en Colombia” published by the National University of Colombia.


Physical Address

Room 412
Ortega Hall
Building # 79 on the UNM map