Damian Vergara Wilson
- Sociolinguistics
- Sociology of language
- Historical linguistics
- Language change
- Spanish as a Heritage Language
- Hispanic Linguistics
Categorization and Constructional Change in Spanish Expressions of 'Becoming'
In "Categorization and Constructional Change" Damian Vergara Wilson uses the Spanish change-of-state construction quedar(se) + ADJ to analyze the impact of categorization on constructional change and productivity in data spanning eight centuries. In usage, the appearance of one adjective in the construction triggers the emergence of related ones through analogical extension propelling the expansion of semantic categories of adjectives. Categories develop in different ways reflecting the characteristics of their members in terms of semantics and conventionalization. Emergence tends to relate to the ability of one construction to attract adjective types away from another. This study gives insight into the cognitive status and complex evolution of a schematic construction in a way that supports an instance-based model of memory."
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