Spanish or Portuguese Course Challenges

(1000 & 2000 level courses only)

If you earn a grade of A or B in one of these Portuguese courses: PORT 2115 or PORT 301, or PORT 311
If you earn a grade of A or B in one of these Spanish courses: SPAN 1120/1220 OR SPAN 2110/2210 OR SPAN 2120/2220 OR SPAN 301 OR SPAN 302 you can purchase credit hours for any of the preceding lower division courses (1000 and 2000 levels only) without taking an exam. A Course Challenge form must be processed & UNM tuition must be paid.

This is what you have to do:

  1. Enroll in a higher-level course and earn an A or B in that course. (EXAMPLE: By earning an A or B in Spanish 2110, you can purchase credit for lower division courses such as Spanish 1110 and/or 1120.
  2. Obtain an Advisement Transcript from Records & Registration (Mesa Vista Hall One Stop).
  3. Take the Advisement Transcripts to the College of Arts & Sciences Advisement Center (University Advisement and Enrichment Center [suite 135 of Mesa Vista Hall – formerly Student Services Center]) to get a pink Challenge Slip. The Challenge Slip has 5 sections that need to be signed, Arts & Sciences will sign the first section.
  4. Next take your Advisement Transcript and Challenge Slip to the Department of Spanish & Portuguese (room 235 of, Ortega Hall) to get the second section signed.
  5. Then, take your Advisement Transcript, the Challenge Slip and some form of Payment to the Cashiers (room 160 of Mesa Vista Hall [formerly the Student Services Center]) to pay for the credit hours of the courses you have challenged. The cashier will collect payment, sign the slip, and give you a Receipt.
  6. Bring the Challenge Slip, and the Receipt back to Spanish & Portuguese. The department will check the receipt, sign the Challenge Slip again, make copies of the slip, and send the original on to Records and Registration.
  7. Records & Registration will then process the Challenge Slip (in approximately two weeks).