Upcoming Abril para la palabra

Abril para la palabra is a cultural event committed to promote the magic of Spanish and English words among our students since 2016. It can be held in-person or virtually.


Abril para la palabra has hosted very influential writers reading their poetic work, translated by students from our Department of Spanish and Portuguese at UNM. Several of these activities have taken place thanks to the Ricardo Aguilar Melantzón translation workshop. This workshop is led by independent scholar and poet, Héctor Contreras López, who collaborates with the Department as a volunteer.


We have had exemplary readings by writers outside and inside our Department, including Renny Golden, Demetria Martínez, David Wilde (†), Eleuterio Santiago Díaz, Michelle Otero, Paulo Dutra, Ana Gabriela Hernández and many others.


Abril para la palabra 2025: 10th Edition 

Tercer Encuentro de Angeles en La Tierra del Encanto

April 3-5, 2025


Abril para la palabra 2025 includes plenty of great poetry and narrative readings, literary talks, book presentations, and much more by our special guests: Luz Elena Becerril, Lilly Blake, Adriana Candia, Arelí Chavira, Ana Gabriela Hernández, Paz Ferrer, Victoria Montemayor, Nicté Ortiz, Vielka Solano, and Sylvia Vergara. The meeting in 2025 will be an Angels in the Land of Enchantment reunion for several talented women writers from Mexico, Costa Rica and the USA.

Special thanks for supporting this event, aside the hosted Department, to:

The Latin American and Iberian Institute

The English Department and its Creative Writing Area


The Mellon Initiative

See the program, come and enjoy “the magic of words."


Thursday, April 3rd:


Poetic Recital at CNM


Student Resource Center

Room 204


Click here for flyer


Bilingual Poetry Reading with the New Mexican Poet Laureate Mary Oishi

and Héctor Contreras López (Translator)

Songs for a City Held in Common / Canciones para una ciudad en común

Present: Dr. Melina Vizcaino


Frank Water Room

Zimmerman Library



Click here for flyer


Book presentation

El Librero del Hada de los Cuentos de Nicté Ortiz

Present: Dr. Carmen Julia Holguín Chaparro


Ortega Hall Lab 1


Click here for flyer


Friday, April 4th:


Reading at Querencias Conference

Poetry (and narrative) Panel with the poets invited to Abril para la palabra and Tercer Encuentro de Ángeles en La Tierra del Encanto


Ortega Hall 335

11:15 am-12:45pm


There is not a flyer


Talk/Workshop with Nicté Ortiz

Eunoia, el poder de la palabra


LAII Auditorium



Click here for flyer

Talk with Victoria Montemayor

Carlos Montemayor, que también fue mi padre


Ortega Hall Lab 1



Click here for flyer



Please email any questions to Prof. Carmen Julia Holguín Chaparro cjhch@unm.edu.