Spanish as a Second Language (SSL)

Dr. Eva Rodríguez González

Faculty Teaching Program Coordinator
Ortega Hall 453

Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos!

This section contains information about the Spanish as a Second Language Program (SSL) at the beautiful University of New Mexico. SSL Program is comprised of courses for language learners and speakers that want to learn and/or improve Spanish as a second/additional language. The SSL program is designed for students for whom Spanish is not part of their own community.

The SSL program offers the following courses listed below. UNM Department of Spanish and Portuguese makes the recommendation for specific level courses based on the results of the placement examination. The purpose of this online Spanish placement is to provide individualized testing, identifying the student's ability level with combinations of grammar, reading, and vocabulary questions. For more information about the placement evaluation please visit this page: Spanish Placement Test  

With Spanish AP/CLEP/IB credit you can enter directly in specific courses as “equivalent”. 

For UNM equivalencies via AP to identify UNM course for registration, click HERE.

For UNM equivalencies via CLEP, click HERE.

For UNM equivalencies via IB, click HERE.


All the courses listed from 1-5 count for General Education AREA VI-LANGUAGES

  1. SPAN 1110:Spanish I- 3 cr. hrs. (Offered F2F and online- 16 weeks and 8 weeks)
    Also available in Summer online (4 weeks)
  2. SPAN 1120:Spanish II- 3 cr. hrs. (Offered F2F and online- 16 weeks and 8 weeks)
    Also available in Summer online (4 weeks)
  3. SPAN 2110:Spanish III- 3 cr. hrs. (Offered F2F and online- 8 weeks)
  4. SPAN 2120: Spanish IV- 3 cr. hrs. (Offered F2F and online- 8 weeks)
  5. SPAN 2420: Spanish IV- Intro to Medical Spanish- 3 cr. hrs. (Offered online 8 weeks only)

The SSL Program also offers courses that count for the UNM Global Diversity Requirement and General Education Area I- COMMUNICATION:

  1. SPAN 2120: Spanish IV- 3 cr. hrs. (UNM Global Diversity Requirement)
  2.  SPAN 2130: Public Speaking in Spanish- 3 cr. hrs. (General Education Area I-Communication) 


If you (high school teacher, advisor, student) have any questions, please contact Dr. Eva Rodríguez-González at and/or The Department of Spanish and Portuguese at