Graduate Support

Department Funding:

Cristobal de Avila Student Travel Fund

The Cristobal de Avila Student Travel Fund has been established to provide awards for graduate students to help cover conference registration expenses, membership fees, and/or travel expenses to present a paper. Conference must include as a focus Spanish Linguistics or Heritage Learning of Spanish as a theme. Preference given to those students presenting at a conference or are part of a round table.


Available to graduate students in good standing. Students who receive this grant are eligible to apply again.

Award Amount:

$250 max



To apply, please complete the Student Conference/Workshop Funding application for graduate students by going here and submit it to 

S&P Departmental Funds

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese offers funds to help cover registration fees and travel expenses to present research at conferences/professional development events. Awards are granted on a first-come, first-served basis.


Available to current graduate students in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.

Award Amount:

$250 max 

*Amount may vary depending on availability of funding, degree program (MA/PhD), conference.



To apply, please complete the Student Conference/Workshop Funding application for graduate students by going here and submit it to 



The Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Student Association offers awards to the department's graduate students. These funds can be used to help cover registration fees and travel expenses to present research and/or attend professional development events. Awards are granted on a first-come, first-served basis. 


Available to current graduate students in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.

Award Amount:




To apply, please complete the SPGSA Funding Form application for graduate students by clicking here and submit it to


S&P Graduate Student Emergency Fund

S&P Graduate Student Emergency Fund

 The Graduate Student Emergency Fund is available to any UNM SPANPORT MA/PhD student with critical financial need for the current academic year based on evidence submitted.

Completed applications must have the following:

  • One-page personal statement expressing the situation that created the emergency and how this scholarship will support your educational goals.
  • Any other supporting documentation that will assist the committee in making its decision.
  • Completed application form, page 2. 

Award Amount:

Selected graduate students will be awarded up to $300


  • Scholarships are available from September 1st to April 1st

To apply, submit completed application packet to: Fabiola Parra-Oldham at

SSL Mi Libro Scholarship 2024-25

SSL Mi Libro Scholarship Academic Year 2024-25

Mi libro scholarship will support graduate students with the purchase of books related to Language teaching.


  • Be currently enrolled in Spanish 541 in Fall 2024.
  • Be earning a MA or PhD Degree from the College of Arts & Sciences, preferably in Spanish or Portuguese. (copy of unofficial transcripts- include Fall 2024 coursework)
  • Be a graduate student in good standing that will not be graduating in 2025.

Award Amount:

$40 for students to purchase books related to Language teaching.


Fall 2024 deadline: December 1, 2024

Spring 2025 deadline: May 1, 2025

Send the application by email to Fabiola Parra-Oldham via email



Student Field Research Grants

Graduate students can benefit significantly from the opportunity to conduct field research in Latin America and Iberia, where they combine practice with theory and connect their scholarship to lived experiences or archival data. To make field research more accessible to students, each spring the LAII offers field research grants (FRGs) to graduate students across campus.

FRGs provide graduate students with the ability to acquire a comprehensive knowledge of Latin American languages, terrain and cultures; to become familiar with information sources relevant to their studies; to conduct pilot studies and preliminary investigations that will inform their thesis or dissertation proposals; and to develop contacts with scholars and institutions in their fields of study.

Master's students and doctoral students at the early stages of study (pre-dissertation), as well as students pursuing professional degrees are eligible to apply. The research must be conducted in Latin America, defined here as the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries of the region, and must be relevant to Latin American area studies, including a significant component related to the human societies of the region. Complete guidelines and application instructions are included in the application form.

For more information please visit Student Field Research Grants.

LAII PhD Fellowships

The LAII is part of a wide reaching scholarly community at The University of New Mexico. Graduate students in departments across campus engage in dynamic research that spans disciplines and reaches across geographic boundaries. To support their efforts, the LAII offers competitive PhD Fellowship awards to doctoral students to support dissertation research and writing related to Latin America.

The LAII awards ten fellowships annually. The fellowship provides a stipend and a waiver of tuition and fees. Students who are awarded LAII PhD Fellowships may receive other awards. If a student receives a stipendiary award from a non-LAII source that restricts them from using the full LAII award, the student may defer the LAII award for one year.

All partner departments at UNM may nominate PhD students whose research focuses on Latin America or Iberia. Students nominated should be sufficiently advanced so as to be able to articulate their dissertation research, which is typically post-comprehensive exam stage.

For more information please visit PhD Fellowships

UNM Mellon Foundation Program

The UNM-Mellon Program invites advanced doctoral candidates from our participating programs--American Literary Studies (English), American Studies, Anthropology, Arts of the Americas (Art History), Communications (Communications and Journalism), Hispanic Linguistics and Literature (Spanish and Portuguese), History, Latin American Studies, Linguistics, and Sociology.

The goal of the UNM-Mellon Doctoral Fellowship Program is to increase the number of doctorates awarded to students whose dissertation research integrates humanities and social sciences perspectives on issues of importance to Native American and/or Hispano communities in the US and Latin America.

Only doctoral students from the ten UNM-Mellon participating graduate programs are eligible to apply. Other eligibility criteria are provided in the Call for Application. This document includes all information pertinent to the application process: award terms and requirements, the application materials that must be provided, and selection process. The Fellowship Application Form is also included as a separate document -- that document is a pdf application form that can be filled out in adobe acrobat.

For further information, contact Dr. Adriana Ramírez de Arellano, UNM-Mellon Program Coordinator at:

Bilinski Foundation Fellowship

The University of New Mexico invites advanced doctoral students in the UNM graduate programs of American Studies, English, Foreign Languages & Literature, History, Linguistics, Philosophy, and Spanish & Portuguese. These newly established fellowships in the College of Arts & Sciences will provide valuable financial support for top, meritorious doctoral students with demonstrated financial need who are conducting research for, and or completing, their doctoral dissertations. For more information please visit Bilinski Foundation Fellowship.

Regents' Winrock Minority Doctoral Fellowship

The Regents’ Winrock Fellowship (RWF) program aims to promote the recruitment of highly competitive doctoral students of exceptional academic merit who will also contribute to the diversity of the student body in their programs of study. The RWF program particularly hopes to promote the recruitment of outstanding scholars and researchers who are Black/African American, American Indian, and Hispanic/Latino(a) American. All nominees must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents; international students are not eligible for the RWF.

Each fellowship provides full funding—including a stipend of $18,000.00 per academic year, plus tuition (up to 12 hours of resident, 9 hours of non-resident tuition), and health care insurance—for the first two years of doctoral study. The award does not cover course or curriculum fees, or any student fees other than the GPSA fee. To maximize the impact and to keep the program sustainable, the RWF fellowships are not renewable beyond the two-year award period. The award cycle begins in fall semester and runs continuously for four semesters (not counting summer).

Pursuant to the availability of funding, Graduate Studies will award four two-year Regents’ Winrock Fellowships on the following basis:

  • Even numbered years (e.g. fall 2012, 2014, etc): one fellowship in the STEM fields, including Health Sciences; one in the Arts/Humanities;
  • Odd numbered years (e.g. fall 2013, 2015, etc): one fellowship in the STEM fields, including Health Sciences; one in the Social Sciences (Anthropology, Psychology, etc.)/Education. For more information please visit Regents' Winrock Minority Doctoral Fellowship.