Naomi Lapidus Shin

Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Department of Linguistics
PhD, The Graduate Center at the City University of New York, 2006
BA, Oberlin College, 1994
Naomi Shin (Ph.D., City University of New York Graduate Center) holds a joint position in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese and the Department of Linguistics. Her two primary areas of research are: 1) Spanish in the United States and how it is shaped by bilingualism and language contact, and 2) the acquisition of Spanish during childhood (among both monolingual and bilingual children). One common theme in her research is to explore how functionality influences the trajectory of language change and development. She is currently building two corpora of spoken Spanish, one consisting of narratives produced by monolingual children in Mexico and the other of narratives produced by the (bilingual) children of migrant workers in Washington and Montana. These corpora are being used to examine the development of particular structures, such as pronominal expression, in the speech of monolingual and bilingual children.Research Interests
- Hispanic Linguistics
- Child Language Acquisition
- Bilingualism
- Language Contact
- Sociolinguistics
Phone: 505-277-5907
Fax: 505-277-3885
Physical Address
Ortega Hall
Building #
79 on the UNM map
Mailing Address
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1070