Colombia Revisited: A Conversation

March 25, 2025 3:00 PM -
March 25, 2025 5:00 PM
History Department Common Room (Mesa Vista Hall)
Join us as we welcome historians A. Ricardo López-Pedreros and Lina Britto for the launch of their new
edited volumes, Histories of Solitude (Vol 1) and Histories of Perplexity (Vol 2), which bring together
over 40 scholars based in Colombia, the United States, England, and Canada to discuss how the history
of Colombia illustrates central questions about democracy in the Americas. What could the histories of
Colombia explain about Latin America and the world, if anything at all? What does it mean to work on
Colombia in an increasingly globalized planet? Who is entitled to tell the histories of Colombia?
Speakers: Professor Lina Britto, Northwestern University and
Professor A. Ricardo López-Pedreros, Western Washington University
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