Sigma Delta Pi

Sigma Delta Pi

Sociedad Nacional Honoraria Hispánica
(National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society)

About Sigma Delta Pi

Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Honor Society (La Sociedad Nacional Honoraria Hispánica) was established on November 14, 1919, at the University of California Berkeley. The UNM chapter of Sigma Delta Pi is named Mu Alpha and was re-activated in the fall of 2015. The Society's insignia is the royal seal of Fernando and Isabel, representing Castille, León and Aragón.  Sigma Delta Pi's colors are red and gold, its flower is the red carnation, and its motto is the Greek phrase "Spanías Didagéi Proágomen" meaning "Let's go forth/continue forth under the teaching/guidance of the Spanish language." The national headquarters is located at the College of Charleston in South Carolina.


UNM Chapter - Mu Alpha

Requirements and Elegibility

1.  Completed 3 years of college Spanish courses (18 cr.) or equivalent,
including at least 3 cr. in a 300-level course in Hispanic
literature,culture, conversation, grammar, etc. A student may be
admitted to active membership while still enrolled in the second 300-
level course if all other requirements have been met and if the
instructor certifies that the student’s work is of “B” or “A” quality. ·
2.   Minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 point scale in ALL SPANISH courses
taken. (Traditional grading—no audits).      
3. Completed at least 3 semesters of college work and have an
OVERALL cumulative GPA of 3.2

1.  Graduate students must have completed two courses towards his/her degree
in the Spanish program. If the student is currently enrolled in your first two
courses of the degree, he/she does not qualify at this time.
OVERALL cumulative GPA of 3.2

Application Process

If you are interested in applying and you meet the requirements, please submit your unofficial
transcript to Dr. Eva Rodriguez, Associate Professor and Chapter Advisor.
You will also need to pay a ONE TIME fee of $35 if nominated to honor society. 

Benefits of Sigma Delta Pi

Exclusive access to apply for Sigma Delta Pi’s undergraduate
study abroad awards or graduate research grants. Outstanding
students may also be nominated to receive prestigious awards. 
Sigma Delta Pi members can develop their leadership skills and
serve the student community by volunteering as facilitators for the
Spanish Tertulias and events.
Membership Benefits click here
Chapter Benefits click here

For more information please contact:

Dr. Eva Rodriguez, Associate Professor, Chapter Advisor (